BTW, Runner's World this month has an article on an ultra-marathoner mom who has struggled with depression, and the dynamics of depression among runners.
Just 10 minutes of pedaling at a moderate pace on a stationary bike is enough to boost mood... But runners get an even bigger payoff: sustained, high intensity exercise, specifically running, appears to have extra benefits, especially where stress and anxiety are concerned. A team of researchers at the Universtiy of Missouri-Columbia measured anxiety levels of female runners, ages 18-20 and 35-45, beofr and after 33 minutes of moderate or high-intensity exercise. The women who ran at 80% of maximum arerobic capacity (a slightly faster pace than would allow you to carry on a conversation with your running partner) were found to have experienced tha sharpest decline in anxiety. What's more, the anxiety relief continued at least 90
minutes after they had stopped exercising."The Long Road Back", Christopher MacDougall, Runner's World, March 2006, p.72
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