1) I've changed the settings so anyone can comment, though you'll still have to do enter the characters from the annoying anti-spam image. (Sorry... I know how much spam The Swadfather gets.)
2) You may have noticed I've been tinkering with expandable posts. I think I've got it, though Blogger's WYSIWYG editor hinders me more than it helps. Back to vanilla HTML. Anyway, you shouldn't have to scroll through entire posts on the main page anymore. If something interests you, the "more..." link should take you to the full post. While we're on blog user notes, I guess I should fess up that I'm a major lurker, myself. In the blogosphere, as in life, I'm pretty much of a "you never call, you never write" kinda gal. Really, I just hesitate to open my mouth if I don't have something substantive to say -- this blog to the contrary. However, I don't hold you to the same standards, so say howdy!
You could also implement haloscan comments :) I like them better on blogger blogs. Also, if you're interested in moving to a WordPress blog let me know - I can hook ya up!
Woo. Found ya!
And see you soon!
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